To help with your booking process, we have created a range of popular entertainment packages. We are happy to tailor any package to meet your event brief. Vivid Band also offer multiple line ups to suit your event and budget.

Other acts line-ups will differ and maybe scalable.

#4 piece : lead female vocal / guitar / drums / sax&keys.

#5 piece : lead female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / sax&keys.

#6 piece male vocal / female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / sax&keys.

#7 piece : lead female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / sax&keys / trumpet / /trombone.

#8 piece : male vocal / female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / sax&keys / trumpet / trombone.

#9 piece : male vocal / 2 X female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / sax&keys / trumpet / trombone.

#10 piece : male vocal / 2 X female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / saxophone / trumpet / trombone / keyboards.

#13 piece : 2 x male vocal / 3 X female vocal / bass guitar / rhythm guitar / drums / saxophone / trumpet / trombone / keyboards / percussion.


*2 X 60mins between 7.30pm and midnight from 5 piece band.

*Arrival time from 5pm. (set up completion by 7pm).

*Interval music from playlist.


*2 X 60mins between 7.30pm and midnight from 7 piece band - includes brass section.

*Arrival time from 5pm. (set up completion by 7pm).

*Interval music from playlist.

Wedding Gold

*2 X 60mins between 7.30pm and midnight. (5 or 7 piece option - please specify on contact form).

*Arrival time from 5pm (set up completion by 7pm). Interval music from laptop DJ.

*First dance learnt and performed by the band.

2 X wireless microphones for speeches.

*Interval music from playlist.

Wedding Platinum

*2 X 60mins between 7.30pm and midnight . (5 or 7 piece option - please specify on contact form).

*First dance learnt and performed by the band.

*2 X 45mins sets from Acoustic Duo between 1pm and 6pm

*Arrival time from noon. Set up completion (full band & acoustic duo) by 1pm. Includes up to 6hrs early arrival fee.

2 X wireless microphones for speeches.

Fully staffed DJ service (live mixing and announcements).


*2 X 60mins between 7.30pm and 1am . (5, 7 or 9 piece option - please specify on contact form).

*Arrival time anytime from noon. Set up completion from 1pm.

*Sound engineer

*Professional DJ with 6 X 4 Rig.

*Optional extra production - Star-cloth backdrop / additional lightning / PA enhancement.

Jazz /Lounge

*2 X 60mins sets from the Jazz band (3,4 and 5 piece option - please specify on enquiry)

*Daytime / evening event hire - 45mins set up time.

*Roaming band option.

Additional options available on all packages.
*Additional hour of performance by the band.

*Late Finish - 1am.

*Early arrival (per hour).